Welcome to my 365 blog. This is a place for me to document mine and my children's daily life. And, maybe improve my photography skills in the process. But first, I want to share a couple of quick notes. Yes, I am a photographer. But no, every post is not going to be studio quality. I want these posts to be real images from my life. And, getting it perfect every single day with your own children none-the-less is darn near impossible. So no judging! :) This is also the reason this is on my personal blog project, and not one for the studio. Oh, and one more disclaimer.... I am horrible at spelling and grammar. I will try my best to make sure everything is up to snuff. But, if I miss a comma or misspell a word please excuse me.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Day 9 of 366

Day 9

Today, I am feeling extremely grateful for my children. Last night on Clickin Moms, a photography forum I am a member of, a woman posted a request for prayers. Her two year old son Evan had fallen 8 feet off some playground equipment at their local park. He went into immediate cardiac arrest. He was air lifted to the hospital, and he is currently fighting for his life. You can read more of his story here www.facebook.com/healingevan, but grab Kleenex first.

Her story hit close to home. I haven't quit checking the Facebook page looking for an updated post. Looking for a miracle. I look at Thaxton, and I can't even imagine what this mother is going through. How hard it must be to feel completely helpless, and not being able to trade places with him. So, I will continue to pray for this family. Pray they receive their miracle.

But, I am also so very grateful that my kids are safe. As I type this, my children are safely tucked into their own beds. I was able to get hugs and kisses from them tonight. I even got in a few extra for safe measure. I got to hear I love you from them. I got to tell them I loved them. I am very blessed tonight.

Sometimes, it is easy to forget to slow down. My life tends to run at a crazy pace. Today on Pinterest, I seen this quote by Robert Brault.

"Enjoy the little things,

for one day you may look back

and realize they were the big things.”

I have this before, but today it hit home. This quote is going on my kitchen wall so that I can be reminded on a daily basis. Tonight, I feel grateful and extremely blessed.

So, here was some of my day!

Thaxton playing Mommy!  He looks so grown up.
I love this picture!!!

The fort Adelyn and I made today.

Kyson playing while Mommy cleaned.

And for some BIG news for the day......
Kyson ate rice cereal for the first time!!
Kind of a sad day for Mommy. :(

Parker feeding Kyson.  I love the way Parker is looking at him.
I can actually see the love Parker has for him. 
It makes my heart melt. 

Kyson likes his cereal.

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