Welcome to my 365 blog. This is a place for me to document mine and my children's daily life. And, maybe improve my photography skills in the process. But first, I want to share a couple of quick notes. Yes, I am a photographer. But no, every post is not going to be studio quality. I want these posts to be real images from my life. And, getting it perfect every single day with your own children none-the-less is darn near impossible. So no judging! :) This is also the reason this is on my personal blog project, and not one for the studio. Oh, and one more disclaimer.... I am horrible at spelling and grammar. I will try my best to make sure everything is up to snuff. But, if I miss a comma or misspell a word please excuse me.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 8 of 366

Day 8

What to say about today?  Honestly, I though about skipping this post.  Today was kind of a different day.  But, I sure you all know not everyday is sunshine and roses, so eventually these kind of days will come up.  And if I am being honest with myself,  my kids who will read this some day, and the people who read this now, I will write about my day.

Lunch! (or my leftover lunch)

Yesterday afternoon, Mommy needed a break. So, I left for the night completely alone. It has been years since I have done that. I think the last time was when Parker was just a baby. I needed some alone time to gather my thought and get myself back on track. Sometimes, I think that I get too busy being a mom, a wife, a sister, a daughter, a granddaughter, ...(you get the point), that sometimes I feel like I lose myself. So, I went on a little road trip. I spent hours in the car with my music cranked. It was amazing. Nothing like a little Chris LeDoux to get your spirits up. I spent the night, and today I grabbed some lunch and headed home. I was gone just short of 24 hours and man did I miss my children. It was the first time ever I have left Kyson too.  But, Mommy's back!  The kids were super excited to see me, which of course, made my day.  I feel refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready for the week.  So, I guess maybe I learned that I need to do this every once in a while and that it is okay.  It makes me a better mom, right??  :)

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