Today, I was planning on telling Adelyn's story of Grandpa Larry, but it is going to turn into a story of two of her Grandpas.
The chair you see below belonged to Adelyn's Great Grandpa, and Rob's Grandpa. I only knew Grandpa Sintek for a couple of years before he passed away. But, I have to tell you that the few times I got to spend with him were quiet memorable to say the least. He was a big man with an even bigger heart, and an incredible sense of humor. He was larger than life. I really hope someday I can con Rob into helping me write some stories about him. He knew him best. Shortly after Parker was born, we made the trip to Riverton, Wyoming so Grandpa could meet his great grandson. I will never forget the incredible joy he wore on his face as he held Parker for the first time.
Grandpa Sintek was a man of many talents. He could make anything into art. He made awesome string art, could carve anything out of wood, and I have a beautiful doll house that he build complete with little furniture. (and Grandma I am truly honored that you have trusted me with this) Adelyn will be a lucky girl someday. Grandpa was also a man that could turn old into new. The chair in the photos below belonged to him. A few years ago, Grandma packed a U-Haul full of items for us to bring back to Nebraska with us. This chair was in there. It sat in our basement for a couple years. Rob recently took it to get reupholstered. And, it turned out amazing. Rob said that his Grandpa probably found it in the dump and brought it home to make it new. This chair is old and beautiful. It is currently Adelyn's favorite spot in the house. I hope someday Rob can tell her the story of its journey and about the Grandpa she never knew.
I was looking for the picture in the scrapbook page below. But, it must be an a hard drive somewhere. So, the scrapbook page will have to do.

Adelyn never met her Grandpa Larry either, but I am confident
that they have a connection that goes beyond anything I can see. For three
years, Rob and I tried to conceive her. We went through fertility drugs and a
lot of medical tests. The doctors finally told me that I wouldn't be able to
have any more children. Secondary infertility they called it. Rob and I were
okay with that. We always planned on adopting a child. We always said we would
have two naturally and then adopt two. He easily started down the adoption
road. We picked to adopt internationally, since I knew I couldn't handle the
idea of a birth mother changing her mind. International adoption is expensive.
We had NO idea how or where we were going to come up with that kind of money.
But, we were determined.
One night we were hanging out with my dad. We were talking
about our plans. My dad told me he didn't know how but he would find a way to
help and make our dreams come true. I knew my dad. He would do anything he
could to help me. I was and am his little girl. At the time I thought he would
simply help us find the money we needed to bring a child home.
Shortly after we decided on an adoption agency in Omaha and
had our initial meeting set up. But before that happened, Dad got his cancer
diagnosis. All our time went into caring for him. We put our plans for
expanding our family on hold. But I think someone had another plan for us.
My dad died on September 17, 2006. We buried him on
September 20th. And on September 21st, I discovered I was pregnant with his
grandchild. It was a bittersweet moment. I cried because I happy and I cried
because I was sad that the baby I was caring would never know my dad. But, I
was confident that my father played a role in the life that I was caring.
Perhaps he did some begging to God to help make his daughter's dreams come
From the moment I knew I was pregnant, we knew this baby
regardless of sex would carry my father's name. When we found out she was a
girl, I was scared and thrilled at the same time. I knew my little girl would
have had her Grandma wrapped around her finger as much if not more than I did.
She would have been a Grandpa's Girl. My dad would have loved her.
The day Adelyn Nicole Gene was born was the hardest day I
have ever had since my father's death. I missed him more in that day than I
ever thought was possible. I looked at my little newborn daughter and wished
more than anything my dad could have been there to see her and hold her in his
arms. But without a doubt, he had seen her. He maybe even held her and loved her
before we even met her.
Now at the risk of people thinking I am crazy, I 100%
believe that my daughter and my father have a connection. When she was young,
she always talked about Grandpa Larry. She would talk about him in her dreams,
and stare off into space and start giggling. Whatever or however her connection
to him exists, it makes me happy. Whether she loves hearing the stories and
plays them in her own mind or just maybe my father is her guardian angel.
The photo above shows the love she has for the grandpa she
never knew. We often make trips out to see him. On this trip it was shortly
after his headstone was placed. We had family on the other side of the state
that wanted to see a photo of it so I had taken my camera with me. We spent some
time there, and when it was time to leave little 17 month-old Adelyn leaned
down and kissed her Grandpa goodbye. I am just thankful I happened to have my
camera. It is one of my favorite images ever. It shows love knows no
boundaries. Love can extend beyond life and death. My daughter is Grandpa's
little girl!!
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