Welcome to my 365 blog. This is a place for me to document mine and my children's daily life. And, maybe improve my photography skills in the process. But first, I want to share a couple of quick notes. Yes, I am a photographer. But no, every post is not going to be studio quality. I want these posts to be real images from my life. And, getting it perfect every single day with your own children none-the-less is darn near impossible. So no judging! :) This is also the reason this is on my personal blog project, and not one for the studio. Oh, and one more disclaimer.... I am horrible at spelling and grammar. I will try my best to make sure everything is up to snuff. But, if I miss a comma or misspell a word please excuse me.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day 21 of 366

Day 21

My little Adelyn is such a character. At 10:30 tonight, when she should have been in bed, she decided to organize the cupboard.  I walked in with her standing on the counter.  "Everything needs to go together Mommy." She proceeded to pull everything out and organize it all by herself. I did help when it came to the heavy plates, but she insisted on doing it her way. It does look great. Nice job Adde!!!


  1. Can I hire her to organize my entire house?

  2. She probably would love that Melissa!
