Welcome to my 365 blog. This is a place for me to document mine and my children's daily life. And, maybe improve my photography skills in the process. But first, I want to share a couple of quick notes. Yes, I am a photographer. But no, every post is not going to be studio quality. I want these posts to be real images from my life. And, getting it perfect every single day with your own children none-the-less is darn near impossible. So no judging! :) This is also the reason this is on my personal blog project, and not one for the studio. Oh, and one more disclaimer.... I am horrible at spelling and grammar. I will try my best to make sure everything is up to snuff. But, if I miss a comma or misspell a word please excuse me.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 18 of 366

Day 18

Two year olds are sneaky. Thaxton, Adelyn, Kyson and I were hanging out in my room folding clothes and watching cartoons. Great! Everyone is dandy. Kyson who wasn't feeling very well (I am pretty sure I gave him whatever it was I had.) was hungry so I began feeding him. Well, in this house that means jail break time. Thaxton goes off gallivanting around the house.  Normally that involves cleaning water off the floor since he can now reach the water in the refrigerator door.  (I now know how to child lock it.  YAY!)  Soon I hear Adelyn yelling “MOM!!!  Thaxton is on your computer.”  Great!  Wonderful!  What am I supposed to do?  Naughty kid vs. Hungry kid.  Well, this time since no one was in immediate danger, I chose to finish feeding Kyson.  This is a choice I have to make often.   As I am sure any mother with multiple children, especially infants and toddlers, has to make.   When I was done, I came in to servey the damage.  Admittedly not too bad, but that little stinker had pulled almost all my keys off my keyboard.  And, they were scattered around the floor.  He is so good at it too.  I have to try and pry one off.  But, not Thaxton.  His little fingers have just the right touch.  Well, all’s well that ends well, right??  I got my keyboard back together so I am able to write this.  I did have to google an image of a keyboard though.  Some of those symbols are pretty tricky!!

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